August 26, 2011

Tough week but as they say, it'll only make you stronger...

This week has been quite busy for a guy on a corporate sponsored vacation.

I went with my former colleagues (and friends) to bid our former CTO and fantastic guy Clint Battersby as he was called home after a long fought battle with cancer. Still miss the hell out of you buddy! I also supported a close friend of mine that I've known 14+ years as he did the same for his grandmother; emotionally draining but I'm glad I was able to be there for him as well as Clint's family. Losing loved ones here, is very tough...but trust in your faith and you'll pull through.

On a lighter note I may have some more news on the change I discussed a couple of posts ago; I had a great meeting this past Wednesday with all signs pointing in the right direction and I'm just waiting to hear back within the next week on final decisions. The thing about this gig is I had the opportunity to bump into a mentor of mine and the coolest part was he plays cast in one my funny interview stories so we got to share a good laugh about that and then the interviewer came out to the hall and asked if I was already making friends and when I told him who it was we had another great laugh.

Humor is good especially in tough times like this where your faith is tested on so many levels. I'm looking forward to sharing the news soon!

Next week we'll also get back to some tech stuff too; so please let me know what you want to know and we'll make it happen!

Peace, love, and chicken grease!